The difference between coal gangue and pure gangue

Research on the Identification Mechanism of Coal Gangue Based
2022年12月20日 For coal and gangue, intelligent sorting processes for separation, the use of coal and gangue mineral components with different fundamental differences, and the study of different properties of minerals and coal with different scales and density regarding the gray Coal is one of the most important energy sources in China and occupies a very important poPDF2024年11月1日 Efficiently sorting coal gangue and identifying coal types are vital operations in coal preparation, yet they are traditionally resourceconsuming, laborintensive, and potentially Classification of coal gangue and identification of coal type based 2024年2月1日 In the traditional coal mining practice, gangue waste is piled up on the surface to form a gangue hill The distribution of CG is characterized by being more abundant in the Representative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical

Research on the Identification Mechanism of Coal
2022年12月20日 For coal and gangue, intelligent sorting processes for separation, the use of coal and gangue mineral components with different fundamental differences, and the study of different2024年3月8日 The composition of pure gangue backfilling slurry (PGBS) contains only gangue sand (GS) of particle size grading and water A multiobjective optimization design method of Research on proportion and performance optimization of pure 2024年6月4日 Coal gangue is a kind of blackgray rock with lower carbon content and harder than coal in the process of coal formation It is produced in the process of coal bed deposition Characteristics of Coal Gangue and Present Situation and Prospect 2023年12月8日 Before coal is used, coal and gangue must be effectively separated to reduce the gangue content in the raw coal and improve the efficiency of coal utilization This study introduces a classification method for Coal and Gangue Classification Based on Laser

Opportunities, challenges and modification methods of coal
2024年9月7日 Coal gangue, a blackgray rock with lower carbon content and heat value compared to coal, accounts for about 15%20% of coal production (Li et al 2006) The 2024年1月18日 Coal gangue refers to the waste or byproduct produced when coal is extracted from coal mines These wastes usually include coal gangue (without valuable crushed coal and gangue), rocks, soil, and other minerals Coal Gangue: Composition, Processing, Use And 2023年1月1日 For coal and gangue, intelligent sorting processes for separation, the use of coal and gangue mineral components with different fundamental differences, and the study of Research on the Identification Mechanism of Coal Gangue Based 2024年8月15日 Land reclamation serves as a crucial method for utilizing coal gangue (GB/T 29163, 2012) and offers technical advantages by addressing both coal gangue utilization and land reclamationA commonly used approach involves filling depressions with coal gangue to create a base for agriculture; however, external soil is still required to build the planting layer (Zhang et Preparation of technosol based on coal gangue and its impact on

Review Highcapacity utilization of coal gangue as supplementary
2024年7月12日 Coal gangue (CG), which accounts for about 10–20 % of coal output, is a kind of solid waste generated during the coal mining and washing processes According to Fig 2 , the annual output of CG in China fluctuates between 600–800 million tons, with a utilization rate hovering around 70 %2024年11月1日 Coal gangue, a byproduct rock with low carbon content cogenerated with the coal seam during the coal formation process, is a solid waste that needs to be discharged during coal mining and washing Its main components are SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 , which not only does its accumulation take up space, but also can selfignite, producing CO and polluting the air, and Classification of coal gangue and identification of coal type based 2023年12月1日 The coal gangue mainly contains Al 2 O 3 and SiO 2, which can be used as aggregate [6], while a small amount of alkali metal oxides such as Na 2 O, K 2 O, CaO, and Fe 2 O 3 can be used as modifier or flux [7]Based on this, it can prepare porous foams based on aluminosilicates [8], [9] and doped modified asphalt [10], [11]In addition, its application Al and other critical metals coextraction from coal gangue conducted coal gangue image identification by the convolutional neural network and transfer learning Hou et al [35] established coal gangue classification system based on the difference between surface texture and gray scale characteristics, and identified coal gangue by image feature extraction and artificial neural networkSimulation Research on Impact Contact Behavior between Coal Gangue

The use of coal gangue as a planting substrate in arid mining areas
2024年12月1日 Coal gangue is a black solid waste generated during the extraction and refinement of coal resources (Luo et al, 2020) that is increasingly being accumulated at mining sites in China due to the increasing coal production (Li et al, 2019; Zhu et al, 2022)Data indicate that the total accumulation of coal gangue associated with coal production in China has 2021年7月1日 The pyrolysis experiment of biomass added to coal gangue was studied by thermogravimetricFourier transform infrared spectroscopymass spectrometry (TGFTIRMS) methodThe effect of biomass addition on pyrolysis characteristics and In recent research, solid waste materials such as slag [11], [12], [13], desulfurization gypsum [14], [15], fly ash [16], [17], and construction waste powder [18] have been widely applied in the solidification process of engineering slurry Notably, the slagcoal ganguebased geopolymer, as a type of cementitious material, has achieved substantial research outcomes in the academic Mechanical properties and solidification mechanism of coal gangue 2024年4月18日 Coal gangue and aluminum ash emerge as quintessential constituents within the ambit of coalderived solid waste and industrial residue, respectively Leveraging coal gangue as a primary substrate and aluminum ash as an adjunct aluminum source, molecular sieves can be synthesized through hydrothermal means By modulating the dosage of aluminum ash, Study on the Synthesis of LTAType Molecular Sieves from Coal Gangue

Study on the macro–micro evolution of compaction Nature
2024年2月28日 Scientific Reports Study on the macro–micro evolution of compaction characteristics of coal gangue with different grain sizes under sidelimit compression conditions2024年1月13日 To address the technical limitations of automatic coal and gangue detection technology in fully mechanized top coal caving mining operations, the low radiation level radioactivity measurement Precise detection of coal and gangue based on natural γrayThese studies mainly use the difference between coal and gangue properties to distinguish them, and the characteristics involved include images, 2,3 acoustic signals, The experimental dataset for coal and gangue after 2020年12月1日 Distribution of rare earth elements (REEs) in six speciations extracted from coal and coal gangue and their combustion products (slag and fly ash) generated by three different power plants in China were determined by sequential extraction procedure combined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry methodOccurrence forms of rare earth elements in coal and coal gangue

Precise detection of coal and gangue based on natural γray
Therefore, the mixing degree of coal and gangue can be identified through the difference of radiation characteristics between coal and rock; ② The difference of radiation between different rocks is huge, so it can be realized to distinguish and identify the dirt band and roof rock in the complex structure coal seam through the difference of radiation characteristics between 2021年7月7日 In the process of coal gangue surface accumulation and underground filling disposal, the heavy metals contained in coal gangue will inevitably precipitate out and migrate, which will cause serious environmental pollution Seventyfive gangue samples of different geological ages are obtained from 25 coal mines in China The contents of Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, As, Explanation of heavy metal pollution in coal mines of china from 2021年1月10日 Request PDF Improvement of Low‐Rank Coal Flotation Based on the Enhancement of Wettability Difference between Organic Matter and Gangue The main reason for low separation efficiency in low Improvement of Low‐Rank Coal Flotation Based on the 2017年9月20日 As the main solid waste in the mine, the coal gangue is considered as one of the most concerned objects in the current crossing field between the geological sciences, environmental sciences and material science []When the advanced technology and process are applied to comprehensively utilize the coal gangue, the energy will be saved and the Thermal decomposition of selected coal gangue Journal of

Ore vs Gangue — What’s the Difference?
2024年4月5日 In mining, gangue is the commercially worthless material that surrounds, or is closely mixed with, a wanted mineral in an ore deposit It is thus distinct from overburden, which is the waste rock or materials overlying an ore or mineral body that are displaced during mining without being processed, and from tailings, which is rock already stripped of valuable mineralsand low pollution [6] Coal gangue and biomass have complementary characteristics, and the mixed pyrolysis of coal gangue and biomass provides a new approach for their comprehensive utilization [7] This method can save energy and be conducive to environmental protection Its pyrolyzed solid product, biochar, isExperimental study on mixed pyrolysis of biomass and coal gangue2022年1月1日 Dispersive soil samples with different contents of natural waste coal gangue, varying from 1% to 10%, were prepared and cured for 0, 1 which were 039% and 594% lower than those of pure cement concrete and 747% and 2017% higher than those of raw CGP Owing to the similarity between coal gangue and natural aggregates, Mechanism of thermal activation on granular coal gangue and 2024年6月30日 Artificial gangue selection, as the earliest method of coal gangue separation, exhibits low efficiency and accuracy while also posing health risks to workers [10]Wet gangue selection technology utilizes the gravity difference between coal and gangue in a liquid medium to achieve efficient separation, addressing the issue of fly ash that endangers worker health [11]Intelligent photoelectric identification of coal and gangue − A

Study on the calorific value and cementitious properties of coal gangue
2024年2月2日 In this study, coal gangue from four different regions was screened, and the calorific values of coal gangue with different particle sizes were compared Coal gangue of a certain particle size was subjected to calcination treatment, and the characteristics of coal gangue before and after calcination were analyzed2023年12月1日 The kaolinitic coal gangue was tailings obtained from a coal washery in the Pingshuo strip mine, Shanxi Province, China The raw coal gangue was crushed and milled to give particle size less than 178 µm The sample was not ground to an extremely fine powder to prevent strain and possible reactions during the grinding processIron removal from kaolinitic coal gangue via magnetic separation Then, pure nonspontaneous coal gangue and coal gangue with additions of 10% lime and 5% desulfurization gypsum were separately ground using a ball mill to prepare pure nonspontaneous coal gangue Coal Gangue via Increasing Calcium Content ResearchGateDespite the similarities in composition between CPB and concrete, there exist notable differences in terms of material properties Currently, in the field of coal mine filling materials, in order to reduce processes and improve filling efficiency, the particle size of coal gangue is not considered, and it is directly used to prepare filling slurry and transport it to the goafEffect of coal gangue grading characteristics on cemented paste

Thermal decomposition of selected coal gangue Springer
That resulted in the difference in the thermogravimetric curve of illitetype coal gangue and pure coal gangue The hydroxyl components started to be eliminated when temperature was more than 400 C The hydrogen and oxygen components of octahedral coordination were rapidly elim2024年3月1日 Coal gangue (CG) is the main hazardous solid waste produced during coal mining activities; it increases the combustion risk of coal/coal gangue (C/CG) mixtures In the present work, the combustion characteristics, interactions, combustion reaction model, and kinetic parameters of C/CG cocombustion were investigated under seven different mixing ratiosInvestigation on coal/coal gangue mixtures cocombustion via TG 2024年2月1日 Coal is not only the most abundant fossil fuel on earth, but also an indispensable energy source in the industrial age According to the data of “2021 National Mineral Resources Reserve Statistics Table”, the cities with the most coal reserves in China's energy minerals are Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Shanxi, Hebei, Chongqing, Gansu, Shaanxi and other regionsRepresentative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical 2024年11月1日 Coal gangue: The coal gangue (CG) standardcured pure cement paste was prepared as the control group The specific proportions are detailed in Table 6 and the combined water content is calculated based on the difference in weight between the samples before and after calcination [33, 34]Synergistic performance of microwaveactivated coal gangue with

Research on the interface characteristics of coal gangue with different
2024年5月3日 When coal gangue is used as filler in reinforced structures, the interface characteristics between the gangue and reinforcement materials are vital for the stability and deformation of the overall structure Global scholars have conducted studies on the interface properties of reinforced soil2024年8月15日 Land reclamation serves as a crucial method for utilizing coal gangue (GB/T 29163, 2012) and offers technical advantages by addressing both coal gangue utilization and land reclamationA commonly used approach involves filling depressions with coal gangue to create a base for agriculture; however, external soil is still required to build the planting layer (Zhang et Preparation of technosol based on coal gangue and its impact on 2024年7月12日 Coal gangue (CG), which accounts for about 10–20 % of coal output, is a kind of solid waste generated during the coal mining and washing processes According to Fig 2 , the annual output of CG in China fluctuates between 600–800 million tons, with a utilization rate hovering around 70 %Review Highcapacity utilization of coal gangue as supplementary 2024年11月1日 Coal gangue, a byproduct rock with low carbon content cogenerated with the coal seam during the coal formation process, is a solid waste that needs to be discharged during coal mining and washing Its main components are SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 , which not only does its accumulation take up space, but also can selfignite, producing CO and polluting the air, and Classification of coal gangue and identification of coal type based

Al and other critical metals coextraction from coal gangue
2023年12月1日 The coal gangue mainly contains Al 2 O 3 and SiO 2, which can be used as aggregate [6], while a small amount of alkali metal oxides such as Na 2 O, K 2 O, CaO, and Fe 2 O 3 can be used as modifier or flux [7]Based on this, it can prepare porous foams based on aluminosilicates [8], [9] and doped modified asphalt [10], [11]In addition, its application conducted coal gangue image identification by the convolutional neural network and transfer learning Hou et al [35] established coal gangue classification system based on the difference between surface texture and gray scale characteristics, and identified coal gangue by image feature extraction and artificial neural networkSimulation Research on Impact Contact Behavior between Coal Gangue 2024年12月1日 Coal gangue is a black solid waste generated during the extraction and refinement of coal resources (Luo et al, 2020) that is increasingly being accumulated at mining sites in China due to the increasing coal production (Li et al, 2019; Zhu et al, 2022)Data indicate that the total accumulation of coal gangue associated with coal production in China has The use of coal gangue as a planting substrate in arid mining areas2021年7月1日 The pyrolysis experiment of biomass added to coal gangue was studied by thermogravimetricFourier transform infrared spectroscopymass spectrometry (TGFTIRMS) methodThe effect of biomass addition on pyrolysis characteristics and

Mechanical properties and solidification mechanism of coal gangue
In recent research, solid waste materials such as slag [11], [12], [13], desulfurization gypsum [14], [15], fly ash [16], [17], and construction waste powder [18] have been widely applied in the solidification process of engineering slurry Notably, the slagcoal ganguebased geopolymer, as a type of cementitious material, has achieved substantial research outcomes in the academic 2024年4月18日 Coal gangue and aluminum ash emerge as quintessential constituents within the ambit of coalderived solid waste and industrial residue, respectively Leveraging coal gangue as a primary substrate and aluminum ash as an adjunct aluminum source, molecular sieves can be synthesized through hydrothermal means By modulating the dosage of aluminum ash, Study on the Synthesis of LTAType Molecular Sieves from Coal Gangue 2024年2月28日 Scientific Reports Study on the macro–micro evolution of compaction characteristics of coal gangue with different grain sizes under sidelimit compression conditionsStudy on the macro–micro evolution of compaction Nature