HOME→Powder processing technology to achieve green energy saving and harmless emissions will become the future development trend
Powder processing technology to achieve green energy saving and harmless emissions will become the future development trend
Smart Powder Processing for Green Technologies ScienceDirect
2016年1月1日 Smart powder processing is a novel powder processing technique that creates advanced materials with minimal energy consumption and environmental impact Particle Smart powder processing is a green and sustainable powder processing technology, because it creates advanced materials without consuming a large amount of energy In this paper, the Smart Powder Processing for Excellent Advanced Materials and Its To create advanced materials with minimal energy consumption and environmental impacts, a green and sustainable powder processing technology is essential The authors have Smart Powder Processing for Excellent Advanced Materials and Its 2024年12月1日 Iron powder can be a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels in power supply due to its high energy density and abundance Iron powder releases energy through exothermic “Green” particle technology: Its history, successes, and open
Smart Powder Processing for Excellent Advanced Materials and Its
To create advanced materials with minimal energy consumption and environmental impacts, a green and sustainable powder processing technology is essential The authors have 2020年7月30日 This chapter reviews the fundamentals on nanoparticles, powder processing via mechanical alloying and powder metallurgy, powder characterization techniques, choice of Nanomaterials through Powder Metallurgy: Production, Powder technology offers the best prerequisites here It allows material and energy consumption to be significantly reduced and raw materials to be easily recycled Fraunhofer IFAM has been Sustainable manufacturing with powder technology Fraunhofer2024年4月1日 Additive manufacturing, one of the enabling technologies of the digital transition, can support moresustainable manufacturing processes if developed through a systemlevel A vision for sustainable additive manufacturing
Particle Refining by Powder Processing Techniques Fraunhofer ISE
The development of powder processing techniques is supported by comprehensive technoeconomic analyses, ensuring that processes are optimized for cost and efficiency Our RD In this review, the production of energy conversion materials is taken as an exemplar, by examining the recent growth in the energyefficient synthesis of thermoelectric nanomaterials Energy‐Saving Pathways for Thermoelectric Nanomaterial 2024年4月15日 The coordinated development of intelligence and greening is an intrinsic demand for highquality economic and social development Intelligentization and greening are the leading directions of Intelligentization helps the green and energysaving NatureProduction equipment and tooling selection Peter Scallan, in Process Planning, 2003 Powder processing The steps involved in powder processing were previously described in Section 4103 and these are powder blending, compacting, sintering and finally secondary processing In terms of equipment, the compacting requires a press that can deliver forces in the region of 10–17 Powder Processing an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Energy‐saving technologies and energy efficiency in the
2024年3月24日 As a result, energysaving technologies and energy efficiency have gained deserved attention as crucial components of sustainable development strategies (Zheng et al, 2022) Before the COVID19 pandemic, efforts to promote energysaving technologies and energy efficiency were already underway across various sectors of economy worldwide1 Introduction Thermoelectric (TE) materials are energy harnessing solidstate semiconductors that transform thermal energy into electricity or create a temperature difference from an applied voltage [] The potential applications of TE materials are numerous [] Among many exciting and prominent emerging applications are wearable TE devices that can convert body heat into Energy‐Saving Pathways for Thermoelectric Nanomaterial The pillars of Green Chemistry necessitate the development of new chemical methodologies and processes that can benefit chemical synthesis in EnergySaving Pathways for Thermoelectric MicrowaveAssisted, SolutionBased, and Powder Processing Adv Sci (Weinh) 2022 Sep;9(25):e doi: 101002/advs EnergySaving Pathways for Thermoelectric Nanomaterial 2021年6月1日 Pump rectification and energysaving technology Energysaving technology for the compressor control system Power generation from lowtemperature waste heat Energysaving technology for air compressor management and control system Recovery of waste heat from air compressor Intensified heat exchange in steam condenser of gas generator unitA review of CO2 emissions reduction technologies and low
Towards a greener future: How green technology innovation and energy
2024年3月1日 Energy efficiency (EE) is a vital aspect of sustainable development, as it can significantly reduce emissions and contribute to a more viable future The increasing energy demand, coupled with the limited supply of fossil fuels and the necessity to lessen carbon emissions, has led to enhancing interest in alternative energy sources and energyefficient 2022年4月1日 For instance, since 1990, the European Ceramic Tile Industry has adopted novel technologies and implemented energysaving actions to mitigate CO 2 emissions and reduce energy enduse [51] The approaches implemented at ceramic facilities are improving energy management, fuel switching, raw materials formulations for more efficient firing, and process Decarbonizing the ceramics industry: A systematic and critical 2024年6月25日 In 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) proposed the industrial green development plan to emphasize the promotion of the establishment of green IPs (MIIT, 2016)In 2021, the China State Council issued a notice on the action plan for carbon peak before 2030 to deploy the work of the IPs in several places, including focusing on energy Exploring the green and lowcarbon development pathway for an energy 2019年11月1日 Along with rapid economic development, China has become the largest contributor to the global net increase in CO 2 emissions, according to data from The China Energy Outlook: World Energy Outlook 2017 (IEA, 2018)Producing just 5% of global CO 2 emissions in 1990, China produced around 9 billion tons of energyrelated CO 2 emissions in 2016, Energy technological progress, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions
Research on energysaving packaging design based on artificial
2022年10月1日 This paper discusses the application and development of energysaving packaging design Based on artificial intelligence (AI) technology, it realizes the combination of market and green environmental protection design, and improves product utilization and production efficiency2022年5月1日 In 2060, energysaving benefits in the baseline scenario will reach 14,5606–14,6256 MJ as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions of 13,048–13,277 tons In the policydriven scenario, energysaving benefits will reach 17,0466–17,1236 MJ as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions of 14,746–15,115 tonsAnalysis of energysaving and environmental benefits from power 2020年10月7日 China’s rapid economic development is unavoidably characterized by environmental pitfalls, especially the carbon dioxide emissions of greenhouse gases from the use of energy Since there is a relationship between economic growth, energy consumption, and carbon emission, it is important to note that the continuous improvement and application of A study on China’s economic growth, green energy technology, 2019年12月6日 14 The Development of Green Science and Technology in China Supported by the strategies of building a resourceconserving and environmentfriendly society, saving energy and reducing emissions, and building an ecological civilization, China attaches great importance to the development of green science and technologyScience and Technology and Green Transformation and Development
How to achieve green growth in China’s agricultural sector
2020年10月20日 Green development is the direction of China’s agricultural sector Investigating the main influencing factors of the agricultural sector’s CO 2 emissions will help plan agricultural development and achieve lowcarbon growth This paper selects 2001–2016 panel data of China’s 30 provinces, and uses the nonparametric additive regression models to investigate 2023年8月1日 In terms of studying how digitization development affects carbon emissions and green economy advancement, Faisal et al (2020) find that the impact of network digitization development on carbon dioxide emissions presents a nonlinear inverted Ushape relationship that is, with its development to a certain extent, carbon dioxide pollution gradually decreases, A pathway to sustainable development: Digitization and green 2023年9月1日 Thus, saving energy and reducing emissions must be taken into account simultaneously in the process of attaining highquality development of the economy in the future To steadily promote the realization of the national binding goals, it is necessary to decompose the overall national goals and promote specific implementation at the provincial and municipal levelsDigitalization and energysaving and emission reduction in 2014年10月1日 This paper estimated the cost curve of energy saving and CO 2 emissions reduction in China’s iron and steel sector Fortyone energy saving technologies which are widely used or popularized are selected, their investments, operation costs, energy savings and CO 2 abatement are collected and the data in 2010 are taken as a baseline Then energy Cost of energy saving and CO2 emissions reduction in China’s
Prospects for green steelmaking technology with low carbon emissions
2024年1月30日 Of course, the widespread application of CO 2 in the steelmaking process not only relies on the development of equipment but also requires crossdisciplinary and crossindustry technological collaboration, as well as policy guidance at the national level Herein, based on recent attempts and explorations by steel enterprises and metallurgists regarding low 2023年2月1日 To reduce the energy consumption of data centers and promote smart, sustainable, and lowcarbon city development, this study analyzes the energy conservation and emissionreduction technologies and potential decarbonization paths for data centers, compares the energysaving situation of 20 typical data center cases, and highlights the impact of green Future data center energyconservation and emissionreduction 2023年6月13日 Climate changerelated environmental challenges are prompting an increasing number of countries to set carbonneutral targets Since 2007, China has pursued numerous initiatives to attain carbon neutrality by 2060, including increasing the percentage of nonfossil energy, developing zeroemission and lowemission technologies, and taking actions that Can environmentally friendly technology help China to achieve a 2023年8月15日 Some countries in the world have studied the green development of data centers The United States, the European Union and other countries have stipulated the energy efficiency indicators that indicate the energysaving level of green data centers, and formulated the evaluation standards of green data centers to carry out the rating of data centers (Li, 2013; China's green data center development:Policies and carbon
Energy Efficiency in Sustainable Buildings: A Systematic Review
2023年1月1日 Sustainable buildings have become a key issue for many developing and developed countries in the twentyfirst century The global population is expected to rise from 77 billion in 2019 to 97 billion in 2050 and will reach more than 109 billion by the end of this century [1]This increase in the global inhabitants will correspondingly increase the demand for water, 2022年3月1日 The cement industry emits 8% of global CO 2 emissions Representing over 50% of these emissions, China's Cement Industry (CCI) will play a key role towards achieving CO 2 emission peak and Carbon neutrality This study designed a bottomup Green Transition Roadmap model to assess the feasibility of China's newly proposed goal – achieve Carbon China's green deal: Can China's cement industry achieve carbon neutral 2024年3月1日 Big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and industrial robots, among other AI technologies, promote energyefficient and green development by facilitating technological innovation, enhancing energy conservation and emissions reduction awareness, and driving societal transformation to embrace energysaving and lowcarbon practices How does artificial intelligence affect pollutant emissions by IV Extensive Application of Green Production Methods China has accelerated the building of a green, circular, and lowcarbon economy It practices green production methods, promotes the energy revolution, the economical and intensive use of resources, and cleaner production, and pursues synergy in the reduction of pollution and carbon emissionsFull text: China's Green Development in the New Era
Key manufacturing technology equipment for energy saving
2012年7月19日 Based on analysis of the current situation in the mechanical equipment industry, this paper introduces manufacturing technologies and equipment for sustainable development in the mechanical equipment industry This paper will consider 8 aspects: digital technology, new material, nearnet shape forming technology, clean production, short production process 2019年5月15日 For the enterprise empirical research and analysis, the lean production tool was used to reduce the environmental impacts in five European motorcycle component manufacturers (Chiarini, 2014)The lean strategy can improve both operational and environmental performance through analyzing three pollutionprevention projects in two large multinational firms (Galeazzo Promoting sustainability of manufacturing industry through 2022年11月1日 Building energy consumption accounts for about 40% of the global energy consumption, and it has become the key to the world’s energy conservation and lowcarbon development (Yang et al, 2014a, Amasyali and ElGohary, 2021a, Cetin et al, 2019, Chen et al, 2020a, Hu and Xiao, 2018, Castillo et al, 2022)Twentytwo countries have taken building The development trends of existing building energy conservation 2021年11月10日 Digitalization brings a new set of tools that have to be carefully balanced to ensure smart application and their green character The capability of making wellinformed decisions to use more efficiently resources and services has a significant impact on sustainability and equal access (Appio et al, 2021; Ardito et al, 2018), but several challenges cannot be Digitalization to achieve sustainable development goals: Steps towards
Intelligentization helps the green and energysaving Nature
2024年4月15日 The coordinated development of intelligence and greening is an intrinsic demand for highquality economic and social development Intelligentization and greening are the leading directions of Production equipment and tooling selection Peter Scallan, in Process Planning, 2003 Powder processing The steps involved in powder processing were previously described in Section 4103 and these are powder blending, compacting, sintering and finally secondary processing In terms of equipment, the compacting requires a press that can deliver forces in the region of 10–17 Powder Processing an overview ScienceDirect Topics2024年3月24日 As a result, energysaving technologies and energy efficiency have gained deserved attention as crucial components of sustainable development strategies (Zheng et al, 2022) Before the COVID19 pandemic, efforts to promote energysaving technologies and energy efficiency were already underway across various sectors of economy worldwideEnergy‐saving technologies and energy efficiency in the 1 Introduction Thermoelectric (TE) materials are energy harnessing solidstate semiconductors that transform thermal energy into electricity or create a temperature difference from an applied voltage [] The potential applications of TE materials are numerous [] Among many exciting and prominent emerging applications are wearable TE devices that can convert body heat into Energy‐Saving Pathways for Thermoelectric Nanomaterial
EnergySaving Pathways for Thermoelectric Nanomaterial
The pillars of Green Chemistry necessitate the development of new chemical methodologies and processes that can benefit chemical synthesis in EnergySaving Pathways for Thermoelectric MicrowaveAssisted, SolutionBased, and Powder Processing Adv Sci (Weinh) 2022 Sep;9(25):e doi: 101002/advs 2021年6月1日 Pump rectification and energysaving technology Energysaving technology for the compressor control system Power generation from lowtemperature waste heat Energysaving technology for air compressor management and control system Recovery of waste heat from air compressor Intensified heat exchange in steam condenser of gas generator unitA review of CO2 emissions reduction technologies and low 2024年3月1日 Energy efficiency (EE) is a vital aspect of sustainable development, as it can significantly reduce emissions and contribute to a more viable future The increasing energy demand, coupled with the limited supply of fossil fuels and the necessity to lessen carbon emissions, has led to enhancing interest in alternative energy sources and energyefficient Towards a greener future: How green technology innovation and energy 2022年4月1日 For instance, since 1990, the European Ceramic Tile Industry has adopted novel technologies and implemented energysaving actions to mitigate CO 2 emissions and reduce energy enduse [51] The approaches implemented at ceramic facilities are improving energy management, fuel switching, raw materials formulations for more efficient firing, and process Decarbonizing the ceramics industry: A systematic and critical
Exploring the green and lowcarbon development pathway for an energy
2024年6月25日 In 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) proposed the industrial green development plan to emphasize the promotion of the establishment of green IPs (MIIT, 2016)In 2021, the China State Council issued a notice on the action plan for carbon peak before 2030 to deploy the work of the IPs in several places, including focusing on energy 2019年11月1日 Along with rapid economic development, China has become the largest contributor to the global net increase in CO 2 emissions, according to data from The China Energy Outlook: World Energy Outlook 2017 (IEA, 2018)Producing just 5% of global CO 2 emissions in 1990, China produced around 9 billion tons of energyrelated CO 2 emissions in 2016, Energy technological progress, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions